
Hybrid of generic and first class polymorphic data typing approaches

Related languages
FX-89 => IFX   Incorporated some features of
ML => IFX   Extension of

  • O'Toole J. et al, "Type Reconstruction with First-Class Polymorphic Values" pp207-217 view details Abstract: We present the first type reconstruction system which combines the implicit typing of ML with the full power of the explicitly typed second-order polymorphic lambda calculus. The system will accept ML-style programs, explicitly typed programs, and programs that use explicit types for all first-class polymorphic values. We accomplish this flexibility by providing both generic and explicitly-quantified polymorphic types, as well as operators which convert between these two forms of polymorphism. This type reconstruction system is an integral part of the FX-89 programming language. We present a type reconstruction algorithm for the system. The type reconstruction algorithm is proven sound and complete with respect to the formal typing rules. DOI Extract: Combining Generic and First-Class Polymorphism
    Combining Generic and First-Class Polymorphism

    Type reconstruction relieves the programmer of the burden
    of providing type information while retaining the
    benefits of strongly-typed languages, including superior
    performance, documentation, and safety. However,
    present systems for type reconstruction, such as the ML
    type system [Milner78], do not permit the use of firstclass
    polymorphic values. Explicitly-typed languages,
    such as FX-87 [GiffordS?I], do permit first-class polymorphic
    values, but they do not provide the progrsmmer
    with the convenience of implicitly-typed languages
    such as ML.
    The FX-89 programming language is a revision and
    extension of FX-87. FX-89 is based on a type reconstruction
    system that combines the flexibility of ML
    with the full typing ability of the explicitly typed second
    order lambda calculus. This reconstruction system will
    accept ML-style programs, explicitly-typed programs,
    and programs that use explicit types for all first-class
    polymorphic values.
    In thii paper we describe both the theoretical basis
    of the FX-89 type reconstruction system and our type
    reconstruction algorithm. The algorithm described in
    the paper has been implemented.
    In order to simplify our presentation we will restrict
    our attention to a simplified version of FX-89 which
    we will call IFX. The full FX-89 language includes
    side-effects, modules, oneofs, references, and other data
    types. These constructs can be added to the type inference
    system described below.
    In the remainder of this paper we discuss the previous
    work in this area (Section 2), introduce IFX (Section 3),
    present a system of type reconstruction rules (Section
    4), describe an algorithm which reconstructs IFX types
    (Section 5), prove the correctness of the algorithm (Section
    6), briefly discuss possible extensions (Section 7),
    and conclude with some observations on our result (Section
    8). Extract: Previous Work
    Previous Work
    [Mimer781 presents a typing system based on type
    schemes in which the let construct provides generic
    polymorphism. ML, as presented in [Damas82], uses
    generic type variables to express polymorphism. The
    ML type discipline is not as powerful as the type discipline
    of the second-order polymorphic lambda calculus
    [Fortune83]. Type quantifiers are not explicit in ML,
    and it is therefore not possible to express the type of a
    function which expects a polymorphic value as an argument.
    For thii reason, we say that ML does not provide
    first-class polymorphism.
    [McCracken841 introduced a type reconstruction system
    for the second-order polymorphic lambda calculus.
    McCracken?s system did not provide the generic let
    construct of ML, although it did attempt to support the
    automatic instantiation of explicitly typed polymorphic
    functions in application position. Both [McCracken84]
    and [Leivant83] attempted to provide automatic type
    abstraction in more general type systems, but these results
    are flawed (see sections 4.5 and 4.6).
    The general partial polymorphic type inference problem
    was shown to be undecidable by poehm85]. More
    recent work [Kfoury88] has shown that conservative extensions
    to ML providing restricted polymorphism are
    possible, but has not provided a practical type reconstruction
    algorithm. Recently, [Pfenning88] related the
    complexity of the partial type reconstruction problem
    for the second-order polymorphic lambda calculus to
    that of second-order unification, which is well-known to
    be undecidable [Goldfarb81].
    We believe our type reconstruction method is the first
    to combine the implicit typing of ML with the full power
    of the second-order polymorphic lambda calculus. We
    accomplish this flexibility by providing both generic and
    explicitly-quantified polymorphic types, ss well as operators
    which convert between these two forms of polymorphism.
    The difficulty of second-order unification is
    avoided via syntactic restrictions that define the types
    which may be omitted by the programmer.
    Below are some examples which illustrate the relative
    power of the ML typing system, McCracken?s typing
    system (MTS), and our system (IFX). The let binding
    construct of ML permits generic type abstraction and
    instantiation of twice and id:
    (let ((twice (lambda (f x) (f (f I))) )
    (id (lambda (x) x)))
    (cons (twice id 0) (twice id true)))
    This example is not well-typed in MTS because no
    generic polymorphism is provided. This example is welltyped
    in ML because the variables twice and id are
    assigned generic types, and these generic types are automatically
    instantiated as necessary. In general, ML
    programs cannot be typed by MTS without the addition
    of extensive explicit type abstraction and instantiation
    information. The explicit typing of MTS, and
    the implicit instantiation of the functions cons and f,
    (lambda (f : Vt.t + t 1
    (cons (f 0) (f true)))
    The second example is not well-typed in ML, because
    the lambda-bound variable f must have two incompatible
    types within the body of the lambda. In ML, A
    lambd+bound variable cannot be given a generic type
    within the body of the lambda because the type language
    is not capable of expressing the resulting function
    type of the lambda, which must contain an explicit type
    quantifier. First-class polymorphism allows the variable
    f to be assigned an explicitly quantified polymorphic
    Our system permits both of the above examples. Mcr
    Cracken introduced the close operator to allow the programmer
    to indicate where type abstraction should occur
    without having to specify precisely what those type
    abstractions should be. A discussion of the formal typing
    rule for the close operator and why our modification
    to the rule in pcCracken841 is necessary appears
    in sections 4.5 and 4.6.
    Unlike McCracken?s system, our type system contains
    both ML-style generic types and explicitly quantified
    types, and we therefore require that the programmer
    indicate where explicit quantifiers should be removed
    from a type. The following example illustrates the use
    of both explicit and generic polymorphism:
    (lambda (g : Vt.t --+ t)
    (let ((twice (lambda (f x)
    (f (f I))))
    (g (open g)))
    (cons (twice g 0)
    (twice g true))))
    The open operator is used to convert an explicitly
    quantified polymorphic type into an ML-style generic
    polymorphic type, and close is used to make the op
    posite conversion.
    In aum, the major advantages of our type reconstruction
    system are:
    l Programmers may write without using explicit type
    specifications. Mb-style programs may be used
    without modification in our type system.
    l Programmers may write using fully explicit type
    specifications. Explicitly-typed programs may be
    used without modification in our type system.
    l Programmers may use explicit types where desirable
    for documentation or other purposes, and omit
    them where they would decrease readability.
    l First-class polymorphic values can be used, pro
    vided that their types are declared. Thus, modules
    can be first-class values in our system. Programmers
    may use the open and close operators to simplify
    the use of first-class polymorphic values. Extract: IFX: A Typed Language
    IFX: A Typed Language

    For pedagogical purposes we will study type reconstruction
    for IFX, a simplified version of FX-89. FX-89 is a
    polymorphic typed language that allows side-effects and
    first-class functions. Its syntax and moat of its standard
    operations are strongly inspired by Scheme WsSSj.
          in SIGPLAN Notices 24(07) July 1989 includes Proceedings of the SIGPLAN '87 symposium on Interpreters and interpretive techniques view details
  • O'Toole, James William, Jr., Type Reconstruction with First Class Polymorphic Values, MIT/LCS/TM-380, 1989. view details
          in SIGPLAN Notices 24(07) July 1989 includes Proceedings of the SIGPLAN '87 symposium on Interpreters and interpretive techniques view details