Elk (2006/elk001)

Extensible Language Kit 

for Extension Language Kit.

Oliver Laumann , Tech U Berlin.

A Scheme interpreter, easily extendable with new types and primitive procedures. First-class environments, dynamic-wind, fluid-let, macros, dynamic loading of object files, autoloading, and a dump.

from Home Page

Elk is an implementation of the Scheme programming language. In contrast to existing, stand-alone Scheme systems Elk has been designed specifically as an embeddable, reusable extension language subsystem for applications written in C or C++.
Developers using Elk can deliver applications with different components written in different languages, such as an efficient core written in C or C++ and an extensible user interface layer implemented in Scheme. To help building hybrid application architectures, Elk supports a tightly-knit interworking of the C/C++ parts of applications with Scheme code.

Elk is also useful as a stand-alone Scheme implementation, in particular as a platform for rapid prototyping of X11-based Scheme programs.

The Elk project was started in 1987 to support ISOTEXT, a multimedia document editor that has been developed at the Technical University of Berlin. The first freely available version, Elk 1.0, was published in USENET in September 1989. Since then, Elk has been successfully used as the extension language framework for numerous applications (commercial products as well as free software projects).

Related languages
Scheme => Elk   Implementation

  • Olaf Heimburger. "Elche Im Winter -- Interaktive X-Applicationbuilder unter Lisp -- Elk und WINTERP." iX, July 1991, pp 64-68. view details