
Prototype Verification System 

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AUTOMATH => PVS   Influence

  • S. Owre and J. M. Rushby and N. Shankar "PVS: A Prototype Verification System", from the 11th Conference on Automated Deduction, Deepak Kapur ed., Saratoga, NY, Jun, 1992 view details Extract: Introduction
    1 Introduction
    PVS is a prototype system for writing specifications and constructing proofs. Its development has been shaped by our experiences studying or using several other  systems 1 and performing a number of rather substantial formal verifications (e.g.,  [5,6,8]). PVS is fully implemented and freely available. It has been used to construct  proofs of nontrivial difficulty with relatively modest amounts of human effort. Here,  we describe some of the motivation behind PVS and provide some details of the  system.
    Automated reasoning systems typically fall in one of two classes: those that provide powerful automation for an impoverished logic, and others that feature  expressive logics but only limited automation. PVS attempts to tread the middle  ground between these two classes by providing mechanical assistance to support clear  and abstract specifications, and readable yet sound proofs for difficult theorems. Our  goal is to provide mechanically-checked specifications and proofs that contribute to  the social process by which purported theorems come to be discarded or accepted,  and designs for critical systems get certified.
    PVS combines an expressive logic with a powerful but highly interactive proof checker that supports top-down proof exploration and construction. In addition to  its proof checker, the PVS system includes a parser, prettyprinter, and typechecker.  We describe the PVS logic and proof checker in the following sections. Extract: Influences
    Lack of space prevents us from discussing or explicitly referencing the many systems and notations that have influenced us in one way or another. These include Affirm, Automath, Ehdm, EKL, EVES, FDM, Gypsy, HOL, IMPLY, IMPS, LCF, LP, Muse, Nqthm, Nuprl, OBJ, Ontic,  PC-Nqthm, RAISE, RRL, STP, TPS, Tecton, VDM, Veritas, and Z among others. Most of our  ideas can be traced to one or other of these earlier efforts.
  • Wiedijk, Freek "The Fifteen Provers of the World" view details Abstract: We compare the styles of several proof assistants for mathematics. We present Pythagoras' proof of the irrationality of pi both informal and formalized in (1) HOL, (2) Mizar, (3) PVS, (4) Coq, (5) Otter/Ivy, (6) Isabelle/Isar, (7) Alfa/Agda, (8) ACL2, (9) PhoX, (10) IMPS, (11) Metamath, (12) Theorema, (13) Lego, (14) Nuprl, (15)O­mega.