
Bag Query Language

Libkin and Wong 1993

Database language for Bags

Uni of Pennsylvania

  • Tannen, Val "Languages for Collection Types" Tutorial view details Abstract:
    Collection types such as sets, bags (multisets), lists, complex
    objects, nested relations, arrays, and certain kinds of trees are
    widely used in non-traditional database applications and must
    therefore be properly supported by modern database systems. The study
    of languages for these structures has only recently received serious
    attention. Can we find languages that naturally support these
    structures in the same way that relational languages support
    relational databases? Practical database languages are based on
    first-order logic, and much research has been devoted to augmentations
    of first-order logic to produce languages of increased expressive
    power, but with the added demands of dealing with collection types, we
    must ask whether we are stretching this computational paradigm beyond
    its breaking point.

    This tutorial will suggest that we can cope with a rich variety of
    collection type semantics by looking at the operations that are
    "naturally'' (in the sense of category theory) associated with the
    data structures involved. Surprisingly, category theory concepts that
    one might dismiss as too esoteric lead to a succession of useful
    languages for collection types, that includes equivalents of familiar
    languages for relational databases, such as relational algebra, nested
    relational algebra and datalog. As an extra bonus, this approach
    provides a basis for language syntax that is closely related to that
    of practical database query languages such as SQL. Moreover, this
    approach provides equational logics which serve to study certain
    classes of query optimizations. Finally, there are some intriguing
    connections between these languages and query complexity classes, both
    sequential and parallel.
          in Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 1994 view details