
Meta-object version of BETA

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BETA => MetaBETA   Augmentation of

  • Søren Brandt and René W. Schmid "The Design of a Meta-Level Architecture for the BETA Language" (1995) Proceedings of META '95: Workshop on Advances in Metaobject Protocols and Reflection at ECOOP'95 view details External link: Cite seer Abstract: The design of a meta-level architecture for a compiled and statically typed object-oriented programming language is presented. The architecture provides compiled languages with sufficient runtime information to implement a full-blown typed meta-level interface, including both introspective and introcessory capabilities. The central component of the metalevel architecture is the runtime system. It is viewed as a virtual machine implementing the functionality of the programming language, and therefore provides a natural entity to be extended with a meta-level interface.

    The meta-level interface is based on a novel language construct, a meta-reference called attribute reference.