
Display Oriented Language. Subsystem of DOCUS. Sammet 1969, p.678.

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DOCUS => DOL   Subsystem

  • Corbin, Harold S. Frank, Werner L. "Display-oriented computer usage system" view details Extract: Description of DOCUS system
    The Display-Oriented Computer Usage System (DOCUS) is a software system enhancing the development of online man/machine techniques for CRT console utilization. Online tools for the nonprogramming user will be descril)etI, such as a File Maintenance and Query Language and a Text Manipulation Language. For the programming user a capability for online programming and debugging is provided through the use of FORTRAN, CODAP, and a Display Oriented Language
    (DOL). The basic framework in which these user tools operate is provided by two groups of generlized function "key programs." One group of keys, the General Operating Language, gives the nonprogramming user a display manipulation, library control and system communication facility. The second groups of keys, the Procedure Implementation Language, allows the programmer to create displays and key programs which become part of a user library and which in turn can be combined online to develop more complex functions.
          in [ACM] CACM 9(07) July 1966 view details
  • Sammet, Jean E. "Computer Languages - Principles and History" Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall 1969. p.678. view details Extract: DOCUS
    DOCUS (Display Oriented Computer Usage System) appears to be one of the most general in this area. It is based entirely upon a push-button scheme with responses shown on the scope. The overall system consists of a number of subsystems languages, specifically the General Operating Language (GOL), a Procedure Implementation Language (PIL), DisplayOriented Language (DOL), FORTRAN, CODAP, a debugging language, and some applications for file management, text manipulation, computation, and graphics. The system is implemented on a CDC 1604B.
          in [ACM] CACM 9(07) July 1966 view details