Sassa Macro Processor(ID:4114/sas009)

Algol-style macro generator 

(unnamed) Algol-style macro generator

Masataka Sassa Tokyo Institute of Technology 1979

  • Sassa, Masataka "A pattern matching macro processor." view details Abstract: A general-purpose pattern matching macro processor is described. Macro patterns can be defined using regular expressions. Macro calls are treated by balancing pattern matching at the token unit level, allowing options, alternatives, and repetition. Thus, text in a language with a nested structure can be dealt with. In a macro body, ALGOL-style macro-time operations are allowed, which improves writing and reading. Our macro processor can also be used as a tool for language conversion since it incorporates a feature to declare language-dependent constructs such as comments, string notations, and parentheses pairs. Although our macro processor is not biased towards any particular language, it has successfully converted an ALGOL 68-style text into a FORTRAN text. Problems of language conversion using macros are briefly discussed upon the experience obtained through this macro processor.

          in Software - Practice and experience 9(06) June 1979 view details
  • Jazayeri, M. review of SASSA 1979 view details Extract: Introduction
    This presentation is at the level of the user rather than that of implementation. Comparisons of this processor with STAGE2, ML/1 and MP/1 are made where appropriate; I found this very useful. The paper's language is ungrammatical at times, but not enough to be distracting.
    This paper will be of interest to those who are planning to design or adopt a macro processor.

          in ACM Computing Reviews 21(01) January 1980 view details