PRIME POWER(ID:4552/pri002)

MIDAS Query language for PRIME systems

  • Tagg, Roger M. "Interfacing a query language to a CODASYL DBMS" pp46-64 view details Extract: PRIME
    PRIME DBMS QUERY is also of relatively recent release. Here basic views are termed VIRTUAL RECORDS. These are structures (similar to MANAGE) which are defined within the subschema; however some VIRTUAL RECORDS are automatically generated by subschema compilation - these consist of each record type plus all the data from its owner record types in the various sets, and their owners, etc. In the query statement the user has to identify the virtual record to be used in a FROM clause, though the 'automatic' virtual records have the same name as their base DBMS records.
          in ACM SIGMOD Record 13(03) April 1983 view details