DeBuMa(ID:4565/ )

Extensions to the BAL system to includes frame concepts and greater separation of tasks

Uses the notion of eligibility to ascertain usefulness and applicability of something stored in a bank

Related languages
BAL => DeBuMa   Extension of
FRL => DeBuMa   Written using

  • Frydman, C.; Giambiasi, N.; Sigal, M.; Bayle, P. "Application building and control environment" Systems and Control Encyclopedia, Pub : Pergamon Books Ltd., Deputy editorial editor, 1988 view details
  • Frydman, C.; Giambiasi, N.; Sigal, M.; Bayle, P. "Systeme fonde sur la connaissance pour la construction et la gestion d'appllcations en XAO" Journees Systemes Experts, Avignon 1988 view details
  • Frydman, C.; Giambiasi, N.; Gatumel, M.; Bayle, P. "DeBuMA: description, building and management of applications" pp203-208 view details Abstract: the object of the system presented in this article is to allow experienced designers to describe their knowledge in the way to chain a group of CAD software to resolve a given problem and this, in the form of production rules. This system establish a clear separation between the competencies of the computer scientist, the experienced designer and the final user. It permits the procedure bank of be CAD system to the considered as a group of basic elements from which chaining scenario adapted to the different design problems can be described so as to guide the final user. DOI Extract: Semantic eligibility
    The very first aim of such a system is to allow the application
    builder (AB) to exnlain the chain& of the nrocedures to solve a
    problem, that is, td be able to desc&e a sc&rio by limiting the
    choices which are offered at each instant. At a given moment,
    several procedures can be syntactically eligibile, but only a
    sub-set of them goes in the direction of solving the problem.
    Thus, it concerns then a semantic eligibility [7,8]. It will be
    expressed by means of eligibility rules which allow the AB to
    make eligible only those tasks useful at a considered moment.
    The task list to be proposed to the final user may depend on the
    values of certain results, this will be expressed by means of
    conditional eligibility rules. Through conditional
    expressions, they will allow resolution with respect to the state
    of certain results of previous tasks. Moreover, by using eligibility
    rules, the Al3 having initially expressed several solution paths,
    may want to block some of these paths when the solution is
    engaged on another. This is always with the aim of more
    effectively guiding the final user. For this purpose, the system is
    endoved with freeze rules which prohibist the proposal of
    eligible tasks to the user.
    These three classes of rules (eligibility, conditional eligibility and
    freeze) allow the AB to express in a declarative way his
    knowledge regarding the use of the task bank to solve a given
    problem, that is, to define a precise scenario for the final user.
    Howewer, the execution of different procedures will often require
    the use of tools which will ensure the passage of data between
    two programs or two sites. The application described by the Al3
    with the previous rules, is generally not executable All the
    needed tools must be added. These tools constitute the syntactic
    plan their execution concerns neither the AB nor the final user.
    Therefore, utility rules are necessary ; they are directly related
    to the task bank, completly out of every application context. The
    system will then, be able to build a truly executable application by
    taking these rules and those given by the AB into account.
    To achieve these different aims, we have studied and developed
    the DeBuMA system whose presentation is the object of this
          in Proceedings of the 1989 26th ACM/IEEE Annual ACM IEEE Design Automation Conference Las Vegas, Nevada, United States view details