
mmp Parallel Language 

DEC mmp Parallel Language. C-like parallel language for the DEC mpp machine

Related languages
DPL => DPL-82   Evolution of

  • Lambeth, Dan Allen "Use of trace specifications in the DPL compiler" (Master's Thesis) Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C., 1979 view details Abstract: We explore the use of precise semantic specifications in the development of a large piece of software. Attention is focused on information hiding, a technique known as specification by assertions about traces, and the overall effect of the use of this technique on the development of a compiler. Problems associated with the technique and its use are documented and refinements are suggested.
  • Bishop, John E. "The portable DPL compiler project" (Master's Thesis) Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1980. view details Abstract: Portability of a compiler is achieved by generating code for a pseudo-machine. This code is then translated into code for various real machines. The technique is combined with the use of templates, which are fixed translations of source code structures, to aid in the design of the compiler. A formal use of these templates partially specifies the source-to-object translation. Problems associated with the implementation of these techniques and with the project are documented, and solutions are suggested.