
for Language for Structured Programming

teaching dialect of PL/I

Related languages
PL/I => LSP   Subset

  • Kobayashi Tadashi , Aoki Kyota , Ochimizu Koichiro , Toyoda Junichi , Tanaka Kohkichi "Language for Structured Programming" IPSJ MAGAZINE 15(12) view details Abstract: This paper describes a programming language and it's processer which enables programming along the concept of "Structured Programming" proposed by E.W.Dijkstra. First, the notion of E.W.Dijkstra is briefly discussed. Second, LSP(L) is briefly Discussed. Third, PL/I is chosen as a example of L and LSP(PL/I) is implemented over FACOM230-45s (osII-ED11) written by PL/I. Finaly, a programming example of "magic square" is given and the usefulness of LSP (PL/I) is shown.
  • Aoki Kyota, Ochimizu Koichiro, Toyoda Junichi, Tanaka Kokichi "A Language for Structured Programming: LSP(PL/1)" Information Processing in Japan 15(16) view details