
object oriented language designed for building AI systems

  • H.Ishibashi, T.Yazaki, T.Nishida, S.Doshita "Monad: An Object Oriented Language for Artificial Intelligence" JJSAI 1(1) view details Abstract: Monad is an object oriented language designed for building AI systems. AI language should provide the user with a means for organizing knowledge in a flexible and modular manner. Towards this end, it would also be useful to allow the user to write programs without worrying about control structures. To achieve these goals, we have incorporated into Monad the following features: (1) The user can program methods as rule based production systems. He can write easily not only non-deterministic programs but also deterministic programs. (2) The user can use patterns to catch messages. He can use such messages that contain two or more selectors and contain no selector (only arguments). The order of the selectors and arguments is optional. (3) The user can make use of multiple inheritance and specify searching path. The specification is done by special purpose reserved variable. It is also possible to combine methods defined in the super classes. (4) The user can define event-driven methods which will be invoked when a certain condition holds. By using this facility, it is easy to keep consistency of information in objects. We have developed the Monad interpreter in Interlisp-D on 1100 SIP and confirmed that it is effective for AI programming.