
for CommonLisp Compiler for konoCL

konoCL is a port of Common LISP for a Hitachi MC68000 UNIX computer

  • Fujioka Hideki, Nakamura Teruo, Noutomi Masato, Yamamoto Masahiko "CLiC @CommonLisp Compiler for konoCL" view details Abstract: KonoCL is a full set Common Lisp system being implemented on UNIX with MC68000 CPU family. This paper describes CLiC, a complier for konoCL, and its compile-code. CLiC, a file-to-file translator, compiles a source file of Common Lisp and generates a relocatable object file. ALL of CLiC are implemented with CommonLisp language itself. With full registers of MC68000 CPU, variable reference, lambda-parameter analysis and function call are executed speedily in compile-code.

          in IPSJ SIGNotes SYMbol manipulation Abstract No.047 - 005 view details