
kono Common LISP

Common LISP for running on Japanese UNIX V

  • Nakamura Teruo, Yamamoto Masahiko, Fujioka Hideki, Kawakami Atsushi, Noutomi Masato, Yoshida Akiko "konoCL - kono Common Lisp" view details Abstract: konoCL is a full set Common Lisp system being implemented on UNIX SYSTEM V with MC68000 CPU. Most of the system, including top level evaluator and some of special form evaluators, are written in Common Lisp itself. KonoCL users can redefine the top level, can remove unnecessary functions, and can execute their application programs directly as a UNIX command in a suitable environment. Memory management is implemented so that immutable lisp objects do not affect garbage collection time, making konoCL suitable for applications with big but static dictionaries.

          in IPSJ SIGNotes SYMbol manipulation No.042 - 003 view details