
Querying language for ARX (Arnie Rhom's eXtractor) at Boeing in 1978

  • [Boeing Co., Seattle, Wash.] COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR CONVERTING TRANSIENT RESPONSE DATA INTO FREQUENCY RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS M70-10083 view details Abstract: Frequency response characteristics (Bode plots) for the transfer function of a system are obtained from a known transient response curve. Use of the program alleviates the problem of costly and time consuming experimental frequency response testing. The program is limited to analysis of transient responses resulting from a unit-step command. The program is coded in the Blitz computer language. The Blitz precompiler reads the statements and converts them into equivalent FORTRAN statements.

          in Computer Program Abstracts Cumulative Issue July 15, 1969 -- July 15, 1971 view details
  • [Boeing Co., Seattle, Wash] BLITZ: An Engineering Tool for Solving Small Problems on the IBM 7094 Computer M69-10101 view details Abstract: BLITZ is a digital computer language which provides the engineer with a capability for economically and rapidly programming small problems. It is especially suited to solutions of small problems which would be time consuming if solved manually. Further, the language of BLITZ is simple in structure, and hence is easily learned and used. Specifically, with BLITZ one is able to perform: (1) normal algebraic computations; (2) evaluations of various algebraic functions; such as sine, cosine, square root, exponential, etc; (3) logical operations; (4) table lockup, utilize tabular data to evaluate a particular variable as a function of one or two independent variables; and (5) numerical integration, solve from 1 to 20 first-order simultaneous differential equations; or any system of higher order equations which do not exceed the equivalent limit of 20 first-order equations

          in Computer Program Abstracts Cumulative Issue July 15, 1969 -- July 15, 1971 view details