Generalised structured programming sytem that expresses all structures in terms of do, if, repeat, else, and also, as well as the "sentence markers" { and }

All structural extents are indicated with whitespace

Draws on tradition of executable notation and flowcharts (Nassi-Scheidermann, FLowcharts etc)to produce a matching kind of charting system, the Boxchart.

Dan Jonsson, Univ. of Goeteborg, 1987

Related languages
Nassi-Shneiderman charts => PANCODE   Incorporated some features of

  • Jonsson, Dan "Pancode and boxcharts: structured programming revisited" pp89-98 1987 view details Abstract: Some new ideas regarding control structures, program charts, and the relationship between the two are presented. It is claimed that the 'pancode' primitives do, if, repeat, else, also, {, and } suffice to build control structures which are more powerful and more readable than those currently used. It is also demonstrated that an equivalent graphical representation of program structure can be obtained by means of 'boxcharts'. DOI Extract: Introduction
    Following Boehm and Jacopini's [1] work on the representation of control flow in terms of if...then...else.., and, structures, and inspired by the debate over the use of goto-statements [2, 3], the problem of control structures for programming languages has received much attention, especially during the 1970's. Principles and methods for 'structured programming', based on selected control structures, have been proposed by Dahl, Dijkstra and Hoare [4], Wirth [5], Jackson [6] and others. At present, however, control structures seem to be somewhat out of fashion. The debate over the proper definition and use of control structures appears to have reached a dead end. 'In theory', it is maintained,, and if...then...else.., suffice as structuring devices. On the other hand, however, it is tacitly or explicitly admitted that 'in practice' structured programs require not only additional control structures such as repeat...until.., and loop...exit.., but also Boolean variables, state variables, duplication of code, and various other devices.
    This uneasy compromise, with its unfortunate separation of 'theory' and 'practice', should not be allowed to block further progress in this area. In this article, I intend to provide some evidence that with more adequate control constructs theoretical and practical solutions coincide, and no a d hoc control structures or contrived solutions will be needed.
    Another reason for reconsidering control structures is their relation to the problem of graphical representation of program structure. Originally, control structures appear to have been developed without regard to how they might be represented graphically. It is true that many types of 'structured flowcharts' supporting selection and iteration constructs have also been proposed [6, 7], but mostly as an afterthought. Especially in graphical programming applications [8, 9, 10], however, it is essential that there is a close and harmonious relationship between the constructs of the programming language employed and those of the charts used to visualize programs. To achieve this, control structures and charts for representing program structure should be developed together and regarded almost as two sides of the same coin.
    In this paper, then, I present some new ideas concerning control structures, program charts, and the relationship between the two. Although they did not serve as sources of inspiration, Elliott's [11] 'Executable Program Notation' and Leinbaugh's [12] notion of 'indenting for the compiler' may be cited as examples of previous contributions relating to the present theme.
    Extract: Conclusions
    The concepts discussed in this article concern or have implications for a large number of subjects, including structured programming; the design of programming languages; the representation of algorithms; program structure analysis and program restructuring; syntax directed program editing and program formatting; structured flowcharts, graphical editors, and graphical programming. In conclusion, I shall indicate several features that make pancode and boxcharts significant in the context of structured programming:
  • Scope. Pancode specifies structured control constructs and an indentation format for pancode texts, while boxcharts constitute structured program charts.
  • Symmetry. Pancode can be represented by means of boxcharts and vice versa. There are symmetries between pancode constructs, and corresponding symmetries are found in boxcharts.
  • Uniformity. Any two control structures in pancode can be regarded as special cases of a third, more general, control structure. Hence, any two control structures are mutually consistent. A similar observation applies to boxcharts.
  • Economy of expression. Pancode syntax is succinct, with a small set of primitives.
  • Boxcharts are characterized by a similar economy of expression.
  • Power of expression. Pancode primitives can be used to represent all the 'classical' control structures as well as various extensions of these. Furthermore, goto-statements can be eliminated even in some cases considered inherently 'unstructured'. Boxcharts, obviously, have the same power of expression.
  • Readability. The factors listed above, as well as other features (e.g., the flow of control imagery present in boxcharts) enhance the readability of pancode and boxcharts.
          in SIGPLAN Notices 22(08) August 1987 view details
  • Kovats, T. A. "Comments on innovative control constructs in pancode and EPN" pp151-157 view details DOI Extract: Guidelines for introducinq new control words
    Guidelines for introducinq new control words
    Ever since the qoto became anathema [Dijk 68], programming language designers have busied themselves finding ever more clever ways of writing jumps without saying "qoto'. In the beginning, a hundred flowers bloomed, but as a community we have gradually learned, by experience, some things about desirable qualities that proposed new control constructs should have. I would suggest the following five criteria.
    First, following the example of Dijkstra [Dijk 76] and Wirth (a convert) [Wirt 85]:
    1) Control-block structures should be terminated by a closing control word.
    For example, an if block will be closed by a f_L (or endif).
    The use of a closing control word avoids both the problem of beqin...end clutter and the confusion of "dangling" intermediate control words in nested blocks. It also clearly delineates (lexically) the block from beginning to end, which greatly enhances the readability of a (real) program.
    The next two criteria need no commentary:
    2) It should be lexically crystal clear where a control word jumps to.
    3) A new control construct should not result in a lexical clutter worse than that of the problem being cured.
    And the last two criteria are social, favouring evolution over revolution:
    4) Preferably, new control words should add to, not supplant, the existing widely accepted set of control structures.
    5) The smaller the number of new control words, the better. Extract: Conclusions
    The embedded loop exit command (a la C or Ada) is powerful, simple, and clear. It has not been demonstrated that a loop repeat command is more advantageous.
    The fail (Elliott's SKIP) control command is useful for programming nested if blocks that have intrinsic "afterthoughts". The fail command fits in a block structure with a closing control word, causes a lexically clear jump, does not cause clutter, only adds to the existing control structure mechanisms without supplanting any of them, and is a minimal (single) addition. It is a simple, clear, and elegant control mechanism.

          in SIGPLAN Notices 23(12) December 1988 view details
  • Jonsson, Dan "Graphical program notations" pp78-79 view details Abstract: While the survey of graphical program notations recently presented by Tripp [12] is clearly of considerable value, it is also bound to evoke comments relating to omissions and precedence as well as questions concerning the structure and interpretation of the notations included in the survey.
    It is somewhat unfortunate that (with one exception) notations published prior to 1977 are not included in the survey, so that justice is not done to some people who did early, seminal work on graphical program notations. As noted by Botting [2}, this applies to Jackson [5] and Warnier [13], and another omission is Nassi and Schneiderman's 1973 contribution [9]. Several box notations discussed by Tripp seem to be inspired by Nassi- Schneiderman diagrams.
    I would also like to add some comments on Boxcharts [6]. DOI
          in SIGPLAN Notices 24(07) July 1989 includes Proceedings of the SIGPLAN '87 symposium on Interpreters and interpretive techniques view details
  • Jonsson, Dan "Next: the elimination of Goto-patches?" view details Abstract: It is argued that the elimination of goto-statements within the context of structured programming has often been achieved through the introduction of 'goto-patches'. Seven common goto-patches are identified and exemplified. Finally, it is suggested that the control structures used in 'pancode' make it possible to eliminate goto-patches as well as goto-statements.
          in SIGPLAN Notices 24(03) March 1989 view details
  • Jonsson, Dan "Pancode assessed" view details Abstract: - Yet another collection of control constructs?
    - Yes, but this one is different...
    In his assessment of Pancode control constructs, Kovats [4] seems to argue that there is no need to introduce radically new control constructs, since the traditional constructs, if amended as described by Kovats, have sufficient expressive power.
    I feel that Kovats' analysis is somewhat biased in favor of traditional control constructs at the expense of radical alternatives such as Pancode, and to support that claim I shall briefly review some important differences between Pancode control constructs and the set of control constructs proposed by Kovats Extract: Pancode control constructs
    Pancode control constructs
    Since it was first described [2], Pancode has been augmented with so-called panstack labels. It has also been refined in other respects. A revised formal syntax is presented below. The undefined symbols used in this specification of Pancode syntax may be divided into four goups.
  • Six basic control words: break, repeat, when, unless, also, and else.
  • Six "statement brackets":
    (a) (indentation increment) and (indentation decrement), two implicit brackets enclosing pans;
    (b) { and }, two explicit brackets surrounding panstacks regarded as pan units; and
    (c) do and done, two brackets enclosing panstack units, optionally used to improve Pancode readability.
    (The brackets and are used to specify the pattern of indentation of program lines used in Pancode as illustrated in the listings below.) A , i.e., an identifier used as a panstack reference, and a
  • Finally, three "host language primitives": , , and (a statement separator such as a semicolon or a carriage return).
  • Note that in this revised Pancode syntax, if is not a terminal symbol but a macro, separately defined to represent break unless.
  • The Pancode examples presented below should be fairly self-explanatory, so Pancode semantics will not be discussed here.
          in SIGPLAN Notices 24(12) December 1989 view details
  • Jonsson, Dan "The flow of control notations pancode and boxcharts" view details Abstract: The textual flow of control notation Pancode and the coresponding graphical notation Boxcharts are defined. These notations embody a new, unified control construct. The definitions given in this paper supersede those in "Pancode and Boxcharts: Structured Programming Revisited" (SIGPLAN Notices, 22, Aug. 1987, 89--98).  

          in [SIGPLAN] SIGPLAN Notices 25(08) August 1990 view details
  • Kovats, T. "A conservative alternative to pancode" pp80-84 view details Abstract: In [Jons 89] two problems are presented, along with solutions in two forms. One form uses Pancode [Jons 87, Jons 89]. The other uses conventional programming constructs (including a loop exil command) augmented by a fail command [}{ova 88] which jumps "to the (lexically) next alternative (else or elsif) of any if block enclosing "the fail. It will be argued here that the multiple new control constructs of Pancode are not required and that conventional programming constructs plus the fail command suffice for writing short, clear programs in situalions requiring difficult transfers of control. In the process, the programs using fail presented in [Jons 89] will be rewritten here in less bulky forms.
    The fail command, modelled on the skip construct of Elliott's language EPN, is presented and discussed in [Kova 88], where it is defined as follows:
    Within a nest of if blocks, an executed fail command jumps tc, the lexically nearest following elsif or else statement in the same if block or in an enclosinq if block.
    It is to be noted "that the jump in question can pass through" the loop-termination points of any loops enclosing the fail. DOI
          in [SIGPLAN] SIGPLAN Notices 25(11) November 1990 view details