Eclectic CSP(ID:5426/ecl004)

experimental language designed to support the specification and implementation of intelligent telecommunication network services, but applicable to any field requiring interprocess communication, a safe type system, and modular implementation.

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  • Miller, Quentin; and Sufrin, Bernard "Eclectic CSP: A Language of Concurrent Processes" view details Abstract: Support for intelligent telecommunication services (such as messaging, personal phone numbers, and number translation) is an increasingly important part of the functionality offered by the vendors of switching equipment. As the complexity of services increases, the expressive power of current design notations for such services -- often based on ad-hoc extensions of standard techniques for describing finite state machines -- is being severely challenged. Although the graphical environments in which services are designed can look very attractive, the rationality of the design process and the reliability and predictability of the resulting services are fundamentally limited by the inadequate expressive power of the underlying notations.

    These considerations lead us to conjecture that the design and implementation of intelligent networking services will in future require no less than the power of a modern, general purpose, programming notation. In this note we introduce the main features of Eclectic CSP (eCSP) -- an experimental specification and programming notation designed for work in this field. Its semantic features have been borrowed from many sources: notably OCCAM [5], CSP [2], and Z [3].
          in Proceedings of the 2000 ACM Symposium on Applied computing SAC'2000 Villa Olmo, Como, Italy view details