
for Teacher-Interactive Computer System

  • Kaplow, Roy; Schneider, David; Smith, Franklin C. Jr., William R. Stensrud "Computer assistance for writing interactive programs: TICS" pp309-315 view details Abstract: In this paper, we describe an on-line and interactive programming system, TICS(1) (for Teacher-Interactive Computer System), which is aimed at facilitating the authoring of interactive computer programs. The system includes particular features for creating instructional software, and in that application it is intended for direct use by teachers or other persons whose expertise lies in the subject matter being addressed, but not necessarily in computer programming. To that purpose, the system provides a greater degree of computer-assistance for the authoring process itself than has been afforded in earlier languages and programming systems of similar orientation(2-5). TICS is implemented within the M. I. T. Multics time-sharing system (6) in two components: an author system and a delivery system. The former provides the tools for writing, investigating, editing, and trying out programs. The latter provides a special environment for student use of the programs.
          in [ACM] Proceedings of the 1973 annual ACM conference Atlanta, Georgia, United States view details