
Hybrid query language 

High-level query language

  • Housel, B.C. "QUEST: A high-level data manipulation language for network, hierarchical, and relational databases" IBM Res. Rep. RJ2588, 1979. view details
  • Schlageter, G.; Rieskamp, M.; Prädel, U.; Unland, R. "The network query language NOAH" view details Abstract: A non-procedural query language for network databases is described. The language is very powerful as compared to other implemented languages. It allows to formulate complex queries which, among other things, include conditions for CODASYL-sets and conditions for n:m-relationships. Cyclic database structures can be processed to some extent.Note: This report is not written for the "naive" user of NOAH, and is not meant to replace a NOAH manual. Instead, this report describes the foundations, the underlying concepts, and the structure of the language in more theoretically oriented, technical terms.This research was performed at the university of Hagen, West Germany, and was partially supported by Triumph Adler AG, Nürnberg, West Germany. Extract: Description
    QUEST is described as a language which is suitable fornetwork, hierarchical and relational databases. The authors stress that the paper is meant to be a theoretical study, not a proposal for an implementation. Though QUEST is a verv interestinq proposal it is by far too complex to be a candidate for a query language, especially for a small system.
          in Proceedings of the 1982 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (Orlando, Florida, June 1982) view details