
Language for specifying e-services

  • Burnett, Margaret M. and Chekka, Sudheer Kumar "FAR: An End-User WYSIWYG Programming Language for E-speak: Interim Report," TR 00-60-10, October 2, 2000 view details
  • Burnett, Margaret; Chekka, Sudheer Kumar and Pandey, Rajeev "FAR: An End-User Language to Support Cottage E-Services" view details Abstract: E-commerce has begun to evolve beyond simple web pages to more sophisticated ways of conducting e-business transactions, such as
    through electronic advertising, negotiation, and delivery. However, to participate in these advances requires the skills of professional programmers, and end-user owners of small businesses often cannot justify this expense. In this report, we present FAR, an end-user language to offer and deliver e-services. The novel aspects of FAR are its support of small e-services and its multiparadigm approach to combining ideas from spreadsheets and rule-based programming with drag-and-drop web page layout devices.
  • Chekka, Sudheer Kumar and Burnett, Margaret "Final Report on FAR: An End-User Language to Support Cottage E-Services", TR 01-60-09, July 18, 2001. PDF view details