BCS Query Language(ID:5989/)

  • Tagg, Roger M. "Interfacing a query language to a CODASYL DBMS" pp46-64 view details Extract: BCS Query Language
    Finally, the report of the BCS Query Language Group proposed the generalised concept of a PERCEIVED RECORD (002). This is seen as the collection of data relating to objects (entities) of interest to the user rather than being tied to the database structure. For example, most existing query languages operating on a CUSTOMER --> ORDER --> ORDER-ITEM hierarchy would nominate ORDER-ITEM as the base record of any path, even though the user might be interested in finding out about the customers who have placed orders for certain things. In the PERCEIVED RECORD approach, the natural hierarchy would be visible as well as the collapsed-down path. The natural hierarchy would, in general, include the possibility of repeating groups.

          in ACM SIGMOD Record 13(03) April 1983 view details