
Structured FORTRAN IV from BOEING 

Structured FORTRAN IV from BOEING

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FORTRAN IV => SPIFFY   Extension of

  • Meissner, Loren P. "A method to expose the hidden structure of Fortran programs" pp193-198 view details Abstract: Program structure is inherent in program design; therefore special keywords such as "if... then ... else” or "do ... while” are useful only to the extent that they reveal that structure. A simple listing of Fortran program statements is ineffective for revealing program structure. Proposals have been made for manually inserting keywords, comments, indentations, etc., either during a separate preprocessing stage or during the normal coding process. We show how the flow graph can provide independent structural information. Although the flow graph may be said to exist as soon as a program has been designed, it is most readily generated from the program statements. “Bad” structure can be detected objectively, and “good” programs can be reconstituted to reveal their block structure more clearly. Our implementation is based on an algorithm suggested by Peterson et al (CACM, August 1973). We have extended this algorithm to automatically detect block exits.
    Extract: Extensions to FORTRAN IV
    Extensions to Standard Fortran. One possible way to gain some of the advantages of structured programming would be to add the keywords "if ... then ... else" and "do ... while" to Fortran.
    Several experiments have been made in this direction, including "structured Fortran" extensions named DEFT, IFTRAN, LINUS, MORTRAN, SFTran, and SPIFFY. (No doubt there are others.)
          in Proceedings of the 1974 ACM Annual Conference San Diego, November, 1974 view details