
parallel langauge 

  • Peierls, R., and Campbell, G., "ALMS ?-programming tools for coupling application codes in a network environment" In Proceedings of the Heterogeneous Network-Based Concurrent Concurrent Computing Workshop (Tallahassee, FL, Oct.). Supercomputing Computations Research Institute, Florida State University. view details
  • Arneit, B., Campbell, G., Coppinger, R., Peierls, R., and Stampf, D. "The ALMS system: Implementation and performance" Brookhaven National Laboratory, internal report, 1993. view details
  • Skillicorn, David B. and Talia, Domenico "Models and languages for parallel computation" pp123-169 view details
          in [ACM] ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 30(2) June 1998 view details