
parallel language 

parallel language

  • Eckart, J. D. "Cellang 2.0: Reference manual" 1992 pp107?112. view details DOI Extract: Introduction
    The Cellang programming language is a special purpose programming language for the programming of a wide variety of cellular automata. The language is quite small and simple. During its design, care was taken to create a language that would be expressive enough to allow a wide variety of cellular automata to be written while restricting the possible programs to those considered truly cellular in nature. Cellang is intended both as an aid in introducing university students
    to the wonderful world of cellular automata as well as a common language in which to describe such systems for both teaching and research purposes.

    This reference manual specifies the form and meaning of Cellang programs. Its purpose is to ensure the portability of Cellang programs. Thus the set of accepted programs and the set of rejected programs should be identical for all Cellang compilers. Furthermore,
    the proper execution of an accepted program should produce the same result regardless of the compiler used. Extract: Language Summary
    Language Summary
    Cellang programs are composed of comments, statements and a cell declaration. The cell declaration indicates the number of dimensions of the automata, the number of field values contained within each cell
    of the automata, and the range of values associated with each field. The cell declaration must appear before any statements are given. Statements are either selections or assignments and provide the only mechanism whereby cells can change state. Variables are implicitly declared at the point of first assignment and correspond to either a complete set of field values associated with a cell or to the only builtin data type, integer.
          in SIGPLAN Notices 27(08) August 1992 view details
  • Skillicorn, David B. and Talia, Domenico "Models and languages for parallel computation" pp123-169 view details
          in [ACM] ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 30(2) June 1998 view details