
JOSS dialect for writing FORTRAN 

JOSS dialect for writing and debugging FORTRAN interactively

Related languages
FORTRAN IV => JOSTRAN   Output language
JOSS => JOSTRAN   Dialect of

  • William R. Graham, D.C. Macneilage "JOSTRAN: An Interactive JOSS Dialect for Writing and Debugging FORTRAN Programs" Rand COrp Memo RM-6248-PR 1970 view details Abstract: A description of JOSTRAN, a JOSS dialect that expedites the construction of FORTRAN programs. JOSS is an interactive, online computer system developed at RAND under Air Force funding, and now used extensively throughout RAND, the Department of Defense, and industry. JOSS-language programs are list-processed; i.e., each statement is interpreted at execution time. FORTRAN is the principal language for programming digital computers to perform numerical calculations. Because most FORTRAN programs are batch-processed, the programmer cannot immediately examine the output. The JOSS language permits greater flexibility and subtlety, but FORTRAN can handle larger calculations. JOSTRAN, a specified FORTRAN-compatible dialect of JOSS, combines the advantages of both languages. It allows the user to exploit JOSS's interactive, list-processing facilities while writing and debugging a program, and facilitates the translation of the JOSTRAN program into FORTRAN. The translation is verified by test calculations in both languages