
Courant Institute decision table language 

Document preprocessor using decision tables, writtten in LISP 1.5

Related languages
LISP 1.5 => Dectab   Written using

  • Schwartz, Bennett, M., Decision Tables in Programming and Automatic Program Documentation with a LISP Implementation. New York, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, October 1968. view details
  • Schwartz, Bennett M. "Lisp 1.5 decision tables implemented for a serial computer and proposed for parallel computers" pp93-103 view details Abstract: This paper reviews two serial decision table translators that have been implemented in Lisp 1.5 (2, 3) and suggests how similar translators might be implemented on highly parallel computers. The first of the two serial translators, Deftab, is a standard Kirk-algorithm processor that accepts limited-entry decision tables as input and defines Lisp functions as its output. The second serial translator described, Dectab, accepts Lisp 1.5 function definitions and generates equivalent decision tables. Finally, a set of similar but parallel functions is described that could form the basis of a compiler or interpreter system, that produces parallel code from serial programs.

    DOI Abstract: This paper reviews two serial decision table translators that have been implemented in Lisp 1.5 (2, 3) and suggests how similar translators might be implemented on highly parallel computers. The first of the two serial translators, Deftab, is a standard Kirk-algorithm processor that accepts limited-entry decision tables as input and defines Lisp functions as its output. The second serial translator described, Dectab, accepts Lisp 1.5 function definitions and generates equivalent decision tables. Finally, a set of similar but parallel functions is described that could form the basis of a compiler or interpreter system, that produces parallel code from serial programs.

          in [ACM] SIGPLAN Notices 6(09) September 1971 Special issue on decision tables view details