DESMO-J (6566/des008)


for Discrete Event Modelling and Simulation in Java

Tim Lechler, Hamburg August, 1999

Related languages

  • Claassen, Sönke "Erweiterung des Simulationsframeworks DESMO-J um höhere Simulationskonstrukte und Statistikfunktionen" Hamburg, Universität, FB Informatik, Studienarbeit 1999 view details
  • Lechler, T. & Page, B. "DESMO-J : An Object Oriented Discrete Simulation Framework in Java", in 'Proceedings of EUROSIM 99' 1999 view details
  • Lechler, Tim "Entwurf und Implementierung eines Frameworks für diskrete Simulatoren in Java" Diplomarbeit, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Hamburg August 1999 view details Abstract: [Simulation is a varied area of application of computer science.  Beside the interdisciplinary nature of the range of applications, it covers the disciplines of the systems analysis, software design, the implementation and verification of software.  These versatile requirements make simulation  an interesting aresof theory for students.  For the area of application of the discrete simulation the production of an individual simulator routine is however connected with high expenditure, which is due mainly to the fundamental control mechanisms of a discrete simulator.  So that studying can arrive within one term the simulator even created by the analysis of a system up to experiments at, it requires the support with the implementation of these models.  The software technology offers so-called Frameworks as concept for the fast development a range of application limited of software for.  They give a functionality and an architecture typical for the problem area.  The expenditure for the implementation of a special simulator is reduced to the adjustment of the Simulationsframeworks to contents of the model.  At the specialist area computer science of the University of Hamburg since 1989 Simulationsframeworks for the production of discrete simulators into training meetings are used.  They make the necessary basic functions available for discrete simulation models, so that the studying more time for the analysis of the system to use to be able and the Framework which can be illustrated by the model-specific parts to only extend have.  The developments of the programming languages and software paradigms following, further versions of this support software were portiert into object-oriented programming languages.  A Framework was used last in C++ [ Schn98 ].  However it showed up in the field use that despite the matured Frameworks the use of C++ prepares problems with the implementation of the models:  The studying were more busily with the elimination of errors in C++ than with the modelling actually.  With the introduction of the object-oriented programming language Java into the training cycle of the students an interest in the possibilities of the use of this recent programming language in the discrete simulation developed.]
  • Neidhardt, O, 'DESMO-J Tutorial', Hamburg 1999 view details External link: Online copy
  • Gehlsen, Björn; Page, Bernd "A framework for distributed simulation optimization" pp508-514 view details
          in The 33rd Winter Simulation Conference 9-12 December 2001 Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA view details