
Discrete Event Modelling and Simulation in C++

thesis (diploma) Thomas Schniewind, 1998, Hamburg.  

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  • Lechler, Tim "Entwurf und Implementierung eines Frameworks für diskrete Simulatoren in Java" Diplomarbeit, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Hamburg August 1999 view details Extract:
    Bases a goal of this work is it to reduce the implementation of a program for the discrete simulation of a system in Java as to a large extent as possible.  The substantial bases, on which this work is based, are thus the range of application of the discrete simulation, the software-technical concepts for the re-use of software and the selected implementation language Java.  The software for this is not developed however by reason on new.  Rather the past experiences and work are used to this topic at the specialist area computer science of the University of Hamburg not to invent over?das wheel again?.  As substantial basis for architecture the Framework for discrete simulators Desmo C (Discrete Event simulation and Modelling in C++) from the thesis (diploma) is used of Thomas Schniewind [ Schn98 ].  Apart from a revision of architecture from application view changes within core ranges of the Frameworks result also from the Portierung from C++ to Java.  Many of the uncertain concepts in C++, like ueberladene operators, type lots pointer, multiple transmission or direct accesses to protected attributes by Friend classes, were consciously avoided in Java.  Since everyone was used the Konstrukte mentioned also in Desmo C, inevitably alternative and thus safer Konstrukte must be introduced with a Portierung.  To the following Unterkapiteln the bases necessary to understand the work are introduced.  After an overview of different simulation methodologies for the demarcation of the range of topics the conceptions of the world of the discrete simulation regarded by this work are separately presented.  Afterwards the software-technical bases for the realization of the software are presented.  Apart from the discussion around pro and cons of Frameworks as re-usable software architectures the problem of the documentation of software is particularly stressed.  The diagrams of the Unified Modeling LANGUAGE (UML2), used for the diagram of software architectures, to the necessary extent are likewise described.  The fundamental concepts of object orientation, on which both Java and used software architectures are based, are expected to be familiar due to its spreading.  For einfuehrende literature to