
for data analysis system

Beisker,  GSF-Institut fur Biophysikalische Strahlenforschung, Neuherberg, Oberschleissheim, Germany.

  • Beisker W "A new combined integral-light and slit-scan data analysis system (DAS) for flow cytometry" Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 1994 Feb 1;42(1):15-26 view details Abstract: Flow cytometry using list mode parameters such as fluorescence emission, light scatter and size on one hand and different slit-scan parameters on the other hand needs a fast, flexible, efficient and easy-to-use data analysis software. A new software package (data analysis system, DAS) has been developed that integrates data analysis for conventional (integral-light) flow cytometry and for slit-scan flow cytometry. The requirements, design and some examples are discussed and an implementation for IBM-compatible computers is presented. Special attention is directed to the handling of different data types from one-parameter histograms to multiparameter slit-scan data files. The package can be used as an interpreting programming language or as an interactive menu-driven command line interpreter with a large number of graphic, mathematical and statistical functions. DAS is not limited to use in flow cytometry only, but multidimensional data analysis, from astronomy to economics, can be done as well.