
Data programming language

from comp.lang.misc

"Well, for that lab I worked for in the early 90s, we had a LIMS (laboratory information managment system) written in System-J.  I never did quite figure that one out.  I think all of 20 people in the country used it.  The writer of the language lived in Berkeley, and the best power user was in Austin. Maybe the only power user.

The progamming language was easy to use at first, but had a bizarre twist that took awhile to really understand.  It had line numbers, and the first set would start with the 100s and each statement would act on the entire database, such as select a group of records, exclude a subset of those records, etc.  It was kind of SQL-like.  Then, the line numbers that started with the 200s would act on each record individually.  So there could be a loop and check and modify or do something to each record individually.  Then the 300s would go back to working on the resulting set.  It would switch back and forth between line numbers starting with odd and even numbers. Most programs could be fairly short, but the long ones, with several of each type of section could get pretty bizarre."