IP Pascal(ID:6942/)

Pascal with modern language features 

Moore CAD High performance pascal system

"The IP Pascal implementation started as a ISO 7185 compliant compiler in 1980. In the early 1990s, I embarked on a program to update both the compiler and the language it compiles for more modern projects. I wanted IP Pascal to be more than just another runaway train wreck of a language that used Pascal as the base language. Too many Pascals out there are an amalgamation of Pascal, Basic and C/C++. What I wanted was a Pascal as Wirth would have designed it, if he had wanted to extend Pascal. For my guide, I have used the Oberon language extensively. IP Pascal is literally what Oberon might have been if it had been made compatible with Pascal."

Related languages
Oberon => IP Pascal   Implementation
Pascal => IP Pascal   Augmentation of
