FE 92(ID:6978/)

VIsual GHC 

Visual interface to the GHC system, complete with visual constraints

  • Tanaka Jiro, Ohta Yukiko "Visual GHC Program Input System: FE '92" view details Abstract: FE '92 is a visual program input system which can graphically assist the input of a GHC program. In this system, a program clause of a GHC program can be expressed as a figure and this makes the understanding of the GHC program more easily. The implementation of the system has been carried out in GHC. The notion of processes and streams are used in an extensive manner. This language feature of GHC makes it possible to express the multi-window interface betwen the system and the user in a natural manner.

          in IPSJ SIGNotes Programming Language No.027 - 007 view details