
Processor System Modeling Language. Simulating computer systems design. A preprocessor to SIMSCRIPT.

Related languages
SIMSCRIPT => PSML   Preprocessor for

  • "Processor System Modeling A Language and Simulation System", F. Pfisterer, Proc Symp on Simulation of Computer Systems (Aug 1976). view details
  • B. W. Unger "PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE FACILITIES FOR COMPUTER SYSTEM SIMULATION" Tech Report September 1, 1977 Department of Computer Science, The University of Calgary, Canada view details Abstract: This paper describes the programming language facilities requried to simulate computer systems. The systems considered include large multiprocessor, virtual memory computing systems, and networks of these systems. The level of modelling detail ranges from simple multi-resource models to the characterization of all software. The complex models at the latter level require powerful language facilities for program modularity. These basic language facilities include general list processing and programmer-definable data structures and data types. The relevant facilities of the following languages are considered: the general-purpose languages FORTRAN, ALGOL 60, PL/I, ALGOL 68, SIMULA 67, and PASCAL; the general-purpose simulation languages SIMSCRIPT II, GPSS V, GASP and SPURT 70; the computer simulation languages CSS, OSSL, ECSS, ASPOL, PSML, and CREAM: and the system implementation languages CONCURRENT PASCAL, CLU, ALPHARD, MODULA, and EUCLID. Of these languages only SIMULA 67 and the system implementation languages provide the basic facilities. These facilities are also useful in any general-purpose simulation language intended for implementing large, complex models.
  • Sammet, Jean E "Roster of programming languages for 1976-77" pp56-85 view details
          in SIGPLAN Notices 13(11) Nov 1978 view details