
for Control Language

conttrooling language component of George's GEM system

Related languages
GEM => lc   Subsystem

  • George J .E. "A graphical Meta system" view details Extract: GEM langauges
    GEMS is an implementation of the model presented in Section 2; it was implemented in PL/I on an IBM 360/91. GEMS is implemented as three language preprocessors which translate the descriptions into PL/I programs which can then be compiled. The three language pre-processors are the control language (Lc), the definition language (Ld) and the graphical language (Lg); these pre-processors are implemented using SIMPLE (George 1971a) I and a procedure library for accessing the data structure.
          in Nake, F. and Rosenfeld, A. "Graphic Languages" Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company 1972. view details