
Simulations language  

Simulations language

  • Langley, Frank J.; Lagro, Gerald A.; and Sheehan, Joan "Simulating modular microcomputers" in Proc. 11th Annual Simulation Symp. (Tampa, Florida, March 15-17, 1978), pp319-342 view details
  • Vaucher, J. G. review of Langley et al 1978 view details Abstract: This paper deals with the use of a register-transfer simulation language, CDL, to evaluate the throughput of microprocessor configurations assembled from a family of 14 standard functional modules. A short description of CDL is given, and the role of CDL in a larger computeraided design system is sketched out. The bulk of the paper is concerned with logical details of selected modules; the microprograms used to control two of them are given down to the bit level. At the same time, CDL modeling of certain features is also presented. Two studies involving configurations of four and five modules respectively are described. The results show the combined effect of module cycle time, data widths, and bus contention on overall throughput. The effect of individual factors is not evaluated and implications of the results are not discussed.

    In their conclusion, the authors point out two advantages to the simulation approach. First, it imposes a beneficial step-by-step design and verification discipline. Second, the use of the CDL language provides a useful communication vehicle between the systems and hardware designers. A few deficiencies of CDL are also discussed.
          in ACM Computing Reviews 19(04) April 1978 view details