
Temporally triggered embedded programming

  • Henzinger, T. A., Horowitz, B., and Kirsch, C. M., Embedded control systems development with Giotto. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES), ACM Press, 2001, pp. 64-72. view details Abstract: Giotto is a principled, tool-supported design methodology for implementing embedded control systems on platforms of possibly distributed sensors, actuators, CPUs, and networks. Giotto is based on the principle that time-triggered task invocations plus time-triggered mode switches can form the abstract essence of programming real-time control systems. Giotto consists of a programming language with a formal semantics, and a retargetable compiler and runtime library. Giotto supports the automation of control system design by strictly separating platform-independent functionality and timing concerns from platform-dependent scheduling and communication issues. The time-triggered predictability of Giotto makes it particularly suitable for safety-critical applications with hard real-time constraints. We illustrate the platform independence and time-triggered execution of Giotto by coordinating a heterogeneous flock of Intel x86 robots and Lego Mindstorms robots.

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  • Henzinger, T. A., Horowitz, B., and Kirsch, C. M., Giotto: A time-triggered language for embedded programming. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Embedded Software (EMSOFT), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2211, Springer-Verlag, 2001, pp. 166-184. view details Abstract: Giotto provides an abstract programmer's model for the implementation of embedded control systems with hard real-time constraints. A typical control application consists of periodic software tasks together with a mode switching logic for enabling and disabling tasks. Giotto specifies time-triggered sensor readings, task invocations, actuator updates, and mode switches independent of any implementation platform. Giotto can be annotated with platform constraints such as task-to-host mappings, and task and communication schedules. The annotations are directives for the Giotto compiler, but they do not alter the functionality and timing of a Giotto program. By separating the platform-independent from the platform-dependent concerns, Giotto enables a great deal of flexibility in choosing control platforms as well as a great deal of automation in the validation and synthesis of control software. The time-triggered nature of Giotto achieves timing predictability, which makes Giotto particularly suitable for safety-critical applications
  • T.A. Henzinger and C. M. Kirsch, "The Embedded Machine: Predictable, portable real-time code". Proceedings of the International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI). ACM Press, 2002, pp. 315-326. view details
  • Henzinger, T.A.; Horowitz, B.; Kirsch, C.M., "Giotto: a time-triggered language for embedded programming," Proceedings of the IEEE 91:84-99, 2003 view details
  • Krishnan, N. Vinay "Real-Time Systems Design in Ptolemy II: A Time-Triggered Approach" Memorandum No. UCB/ERL M04/22 July 12, 2004 Electronics Research Laboratory College of Engineering University of California, Berkeley 94720 view details Abstract: In this report is described a software infrastructure to enable users to design hard real-time systems from Ptolemy II [1]. The Giotto [2] domain within the Ptolemy II design environment is made use of to model systems which are then compiled and executed on KURT-Linux [3], a real time flavor of Linux.
    The first stage of the software takes a graphical model as an input to generate intermediate code in the C language. This intermediate code consists of the task-code to be executed, as well as a representation of their timing requirements.

    The second stage, called the Embedded Machine [5] reads in the timing information and interprets it to release the tasks for execution as per the stated requirements. The released tasks can either be assigned to a standard scheduler such as EDF, or to a scheduling interpreter called the Scheduling machine, or S Machine.

    The S Machine was developed to gain fine grained control over the scheduling of tasks. The S Machine requires as input scheduling information that specifies a time line for the tasks involved thus giving the designer maximum flexibility over task scheduling, and consequently greater resource utilization. The E&S Machines when compiled along with the generated task and timing code for the KURT-Linux platform forms an executable that delivers predictable real-time performance. The benefit this approach offers is that the real-time tasks can run along with ordinary Linux tasks without the timing properties of the real-time tasks being affected.

    An audio application was designed to illustrate the effectiveness of this tool-flow, which achieved a timing uncertainty of less than 130 microseconds in its task execution times.

    External link: Online copy Extract: Giotto
    Giotto ?provides an abstract programmer?s model for the implementation of
    embedded control systems with hard real-time constraints? [2]. The semantics it offers to
    express system properties are in close alignment with a mathematical model of a control
    system. This is desirable since control systems are often designed at a mathematical level
    of abstraction to facilitate effective optimization of control laws, and validate the
    performance and functionality of the model. The onus of translating a mathematical
    control model into software falls to the developer who has to create software tasks
    corresponding to the computations and assign priorities so as to meet the requisite time
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    constraints on the specific hardware. This is an ambiguous process with the desired
    results achieved through the use of an iterative process of testing and debugging.
    Giotto removes the ambiguity by providing the developer a formal, machinereadable
    language in which to specify the system requirements that is easily verifiable by
    the system designer. Giotto follows the time-triggered design paradigm, making it
    particularly suited for embedded control systems which have hard real time constraints. It
    requires the specification of the functionality and timing of the computations of a system.
    The mapping of these properties on to a particular platform is a compilation issue which
    is kept independent from the specification. This gives Giotto one of its advantages,
    namely the separation of the design concerns from the platform dependent execution
    details. This makes it attractive as a language of communication during the initial stages
    of the design process.
    Once a software system is specified using Giotto, it remains to map this
    specification onto a hardware platform. This process can be largely automated through
    the use of compilers and virtual machines. One such method, which has been used in this
    project, is the Embedded Machine [5]. The compilation of Giotto guarantees the
    preservation of the functionality and timing, thereby producing an executable software
    application that remains faithful to the original mathematical model.
    Any control application consists of a set of periodic computations, with elements
    being added and deleted to the set as the system progresses. Giotto has a basic functional
    unit of a task representing a single periodic computation which is a piece of code written
    in a programming language like C. Modes represent a fixed set of such tasks. A Giotto
    program representing a system is a set of modes. It can be in one mode at any point in
    time, repeatedly invoking the corresponding set of tasks concurrently. A task can be
    present in multiple modes, with different timing properties in each, and switching
    between modes is how the addition and deletion of tasks in the system is accomplished in
    a Giotto program.
    Tasks communicate data through ports. Every task will have zero or more input
    ports from which it reads data upon being invoked, and feeds the result of its execution
    into zero or more output ports. Other than these task ports, a Giotto program also contains
    sensor ports which read values from sensors, and actuator ports. Sensors and actuators are
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    the means by which a Giotto program reads values from the external environment and
    conveys decisions to it. Every port is persistent in the sense that the port keeps its value
    over time until updated. Sensor ports are updated by the environment; all other ports are
    updated by the Giotto program. Task ports communicate data with each other, as well as
    with sensor and actuator ports, by drivers, which is code that transports and converts
    values between these ports.
    While tasks are segments of computation dispatched by a Giotto program to
    execute on the hardware platform with a finite non-zero amount of time, drivers are
    considered by Giotto to be instantaneous bits of code. They are called synchronously by a
    Giotto program in between dispatching tasks. To quote from [2], it is assumed that
    ?drivers satisfy the synchrony assumption [13], that they can be executed before the
    environment state changes?.
    As mentioned above, all the scheduled computations, the synchronous
    communications between ports, and mode switching occur in real time, a consequence of
    the time-triggered nature of a Giotto program. ?These time-triggered semantics enable
    efficient reasoning about the timing behavior of a Giotto program, in particular, whether
    it conforms to the timing requirements of a mathematical (e.g., Matlab) model of the
    control design.? [2].
    An example time line for an invocation of a task t shown in Figure 1.
    Figure 1: Time line for the invocation of a Giotto task t (reproduced from [2])
    The invocation starts at some time ôstart with a communication phase in which the inputport
    values are loaded. As per Giotto semantics, the communication phase ?i.e., the
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    execution of the input port driver d ? is performed in logically zero time. This
    synchronous communication phase is followed by a scheduled computation phase where
    the task t is carried out. At time ôstop the state and output ports of t are updated to the
    result of the task computation. The length of the interval between ôstart and ôstop is
    determined by the frequency ùtask. This determines the number of times task t is
    executed over one Giotto period, specified in the program. Task t is said to be logically
    running from time ôstart to time ôstop. The Giotto abstraction does not specify when the
    actual computation of f is performed between ôstart and ôstop. However, the times at which
    the task output ports are updated are known, and therefore, ?for any given real-time trace
    of sensor values, all values that are communicated between tasks and to the actuator ports
    are determined? [2]. Any Giotto realization has to be faithful to this abstraction; for
    example, task inputs may be loaded after time ôstart, and the execution of f may be
    preempted by other tasks, as long as at time ôstop the values of the task output ports are
    those specified by the Giotto semantics.
    A Giotto program can be realized on a particular program using a compiler and
    virtual machine such as the Embedded Machine, or E Machine [5]. The Embedded
    Machine is a virtual machine that aligns the real time interaction between software and
    physical processes. It separates the running of embedded programs into two phases. The
    first platform-independent phase interprets and runs E Code (code understood by the E
    Machine) which is compiled from Giotto programs by the E Machine compiler. E Code
    supervises the timing ? not the scheduling ? of application tasks. E Code is independent
    of any particular platform, and is therefore inherently portable. E Code also exhibits
    predictable timing and output behavior for a particular input behavior, making it a good
    choice to represent time-triggered Giotto programs. The generated E Code can be
    checked for schedulability using [6]. However, this requires knowledge specific to the
    platform such as the Worst Case Execution Times (WCET?s) which can optionally be
    supplied as annotations in the Giotto code. Once the E Code determines when the tasks
    have to be released for execution in a Giotto period, they are passed onto the platform
    dependent phase of the E Machine.
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    The platform dependent phase takes care of executing the released tasks on the
    underlying hardware. The tasks can be scheduled by the E Machine using any standard
    scheduler such as EDF. However, more fine-grained control is achieved through the use
    of the S Machine.
    The S Machine is a platform-dependent scheduling interpreter which interfaces
    with the E Machine. The tasks released by the E Machine are dispatched by the S
    Machine according to a schedule specified using a program called S Code. The S Code or
    Scheduling Code that is interpreted by the S Machine lays out the time line of the tasks to
    be executed. Due to the flexibility in scheduling policies it offers, it is inherently more
    expressive than any particular scheduler. It has been shown that using the S Machine
    results in an improvement in CPU utilization over the EDF scheduler [8]. In addition to
    providing the designer with flexibility over the task scheduling, the E Code and S Code
    can together be used to verify the schedulability of a set of tasks on a specific platform
    [7]. Since it is easier to verify the schedulability than to generate a feasible schedule, the
    E&S Codes, if distributed along with the tasks, relieve the user from having to come up
    with a feasible schedule. In essence they carry the proof of schedulability with them. In
    our design, the E & S Machine shall together be called the ES Machine. A further
    description of the ES Machine can be found in the Design section.
    This project uses Giotto as the model for the real-time systems designed using its
    software. The graphical modeling and simulation properties of the Ptolemy II framework
    are exploited by using its Giotto domain as the initial design interface.