Plane Lucid(ID:7976/)

3d spreadsheet language 

Lucid as a 3d spreadsheet language

Related languages
LUCID => Plane Lucid   Implementation of

  • Du, W.; Wadge, W.W.; "An intentional language as the basis of a 3-D spreadsheet design" Computer Languages, 1988. Proceedings., International Conference on , 9-13 Oct. 1988 pp2-9 view details Abstract: Plane Lucid is an extension of the language Lucid, a language based on intentional logic. The language allows values of expressions in a program to vary in space as well as in time; it provides spatial and temporal operators to combine values from different contexts (or different points in space and time). As an application of Plane Lucid, an intentional 3-D spreadsheet has been designed in which Plane Lucid is the definition language of the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is considered as a single entity (called the spreadsheet variable) which varies in spatial and temporal dimensions; values of cells in the spreadsheet are values of the spreadsheet variable at different spatial and temporal points
  • Du, Weichang; Wadge, William W. "A 3D Spreadsheet Based on Intensional Logic" IEEE Software May/June 1990 (Vol. 7, No. 3) view details Abstract: A three-dimensional spreadsheet design based on intensional logic is proposed. Intensional logic is concerned with assertions and other expressions whose meaning depends on an implicit context. The intensional spreadsheet is a declarative spreadsheet with a simple formal semantics called intensional semantics. It is expected to be suitable for a wide range of applications and for various users, including those who have had conventional programming experience. As an example of using the intensional 3-D spreadsheet, the formalization of a systolic algorithm for matrix multiplication is considered.