
Extension language for GLISP interface design

Wan U Texas 1985

Related languages
GLISP => LINK   Extension of

  • Wan, Man-Lee. "Menu-Based Creation of Procedures for Display of Data Master's thesis)." The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences. AI Technical Report 85-18. December 1985. 51 pages. view details Abstract: We have investigated methods of creation of interface procedures that extract data needed by a library display procedure from user data of arbitrary structure and present it to the display procedure for generation of a display for presentation to the user. A procedure is created by the GLISP compiler from the following pieces of information: 1. the knowledge about how to produce the display, which is stored as a library procedure. 2. description of the user's data in the GLISP structure description language. 3. selection of the data from the user object that are to be displayed. 4. specification of the data needed by the display procedure. A system called LINK has been written that creates and runs interface procedures automatically using the information outlined above. The LINK system has been integrated with the GEV data inspector of the GLISP system.