
for SUrvey DAta ANalysis

Language for interactive evaluation of survey data, Babubhai Shah, Research Triangle Institute, NC

  • Shah, Babubhai V. "Compiler-Interpreter for Survey Data Analysis Language" pp103-109 view details Abstract: A large number of statistical software
    packages are available. There is still a
    considerable time gap between the discovery of
    new statistical theory and creation of a
    procedure in a software package. RTI has
    developed SUrvey DAta ANalysis (SUDAAN) language
    that permits a statistician to translate
    statistical formulae to a computer program.
    SUDAAN language has a functional syntax with
    algebraic operators known to all statisticians.
    The arguments of the functions are algebraic
    abstraction of data structures for most
    statistical analyses. The abstract objects
    include input and output data sets and other
    intermediate calculations. The user needs to
    input only functional definitions of the needed
    results. This paper describes the current
    status of SUDAAN implementation. Once the
    complete system has been implemented, the
    procedures will be written in SUDAAN language.
          in Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section, ASA 1989 view details