
for Input Output Control System

Quasi-BIOS system for IBM 1400, 700 series systems, used in conjunction with COBOL and AUCTOCODER as a generator

  • IBM "Powerful New Programming Aids Announced for IBM 1401 Computer" view details Extract: COBOL, Autocoder and IOCS
    Powerful New Programming Aids Announced for IBM 1401 Computer
    International Business Machines Corp.
    Data Processing Division
    White Plains, N.Y.
    Users of one of the widely-accepted data processing systems ? the IBM 1401 ? will be able to get their computers "on the air" faster at far lower cost with three new programming systems announced in April by this company.
    The three aids ? COBOL, Autocoder and an Input/Output Control System ? are powerful additions to a broad selection of advanced programming systems and routines already available to 1401 users. The new additions make the programming package for the 1401 a very comprehensive set of programming tools.
    The IBM 1401 COBOL programming system will enable the 1401 to generate its own internal "machine language" instructions from programs whose statements closely follow written English usage and syntax. By permitting 1401 programmers to communicate with the computer in familiar terms related to business operations, the 1401 COBOL system will free them from the use of detailed machine language codes. This can mean significant savings in programming time and cost for 1401 users.
    COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) is the result of work by the Conference on Data Systems Languages (CODASYL), a voluntary cooperative effort of various computer manufacturers and users under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Defense. COBOL programming systems are also being developed by IBM for other computers, including the IBM 705, 705 III, 709, 1410, 7070, 7080 and 7090.
    Autocoder is a symbolic language of easily remembered operation codes and names or symbols.    Data and instructions can be referred to by meaningful  labels,   such  as "WHTX" for withholding tax in a payroll operation,   rather than by specific 1401 core storage locations.
    The IBM 1401 Autocoder programming system will automatically assemble a program written in Autocoder language,   translate the coded symbols into instructions in 1401 machine language and assign locations within the computer's memory for both data and instructions.    Autocoder includes a number of single commands,  each of which  can generate sequences of machine language instructions. Like other programming systems,   it  relieves the 1401 programmer of much  time-consuming clerical work.
    Input/Output Control System
    The Input/Output Control System (IOCS) for the 1401 will provide programmers with instructions and generalized routines that automatically perform the various  input/ output operations of the computer.    With IOCS, the 140G s input/output units can be programmed with only four commands ? "GET," "POT," "OPEN" and "CLOSE".    Since about forty per cent of the instructions in a typical machine-coded computer program are related to the machine's input/output operations,   the IOCS can save considerable 1401  programming time and effort by efficiently scheduling these computer functions.
    The 1401 COBOL system will be initially available in the first quarter of 1962 for 1401s with core storage capacities of 8,000, 12,000 or 16,000 characters.    A version for 1401s with 4,000 positions of core memory will become available during the second quarter of 1962.    A 1401 will also require certain other standard units,   such as magnetic tape drives,   and special features to be able to handle COBOL.
    The 1401 Autocoder is now available.
    The 1401 IOCS will be made available in the third quarter of 1961.
    COBOL,   other 1401 programming aids, Autocoder,   and IOCS have been designed to match the capabilities of specific configurations  of the 1401.
    This package of programming aids for the 1401 represents many man-years of preparation and testing by IBM.    Besides the three new systems,   the aids range from pre-written routines,   which perform many of the everyday operations of the 1401,   to other highly-refined programming systems that provide various simplified languages to  speed program writing.    Most of the programs developed for the 1401 can be used without revision for the larger,  more powerful IBM 1410 data processing system.    This programming compatibility permits ready systems expansion by firms with growing volumes and expanding computer needs.
    The IBM 1401  is a small-to-medium-size computer available in a wide variety of configurations which  can be tailored to individual  user requirements.    It has four basic models:     punched card,  magnetic tape,  RAMAC and BAMAC/tape.    With a monthly rental  that starts below $2,500,   the 1401 is bringing advanced data processing methods and numerous operating features previously found only  in larger,   more costly computers within the reach of many  smaller firms.
          in Computer and Automation May 1961 view details
  • Mealy, George H. "Operating Systems." Advanced Automatic Programming University of Michigan Summer Engineering Conference, 1962, pp1-92 view details
          in Computer and Automation May 1961 view details