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591 Betty Holberton

A computing pioneer who was one of the six original programmers of ENIAC 50 years ago, went on to a long and distinguished career.  She influenced the design of portions of the hardware for the UNIVAC and was responsible for much of the software of the first UNIVAC, which was delivered to the U.S. Census bureau in March, 1951, to be used to process the 1950 census results. She devised the first sort-merge generator, for UNIVAC I, which pointed the way for Grace Murray Hopper to develop the earliest compiler. She played an active and influential role in the design and standardization of both COBOL and FORTRAN languages. Grace Hopper later described Betty Holberton as being the best programmer she had ever known.



  • Snyder, F E (1949) Snyder, F E "Proposed 7 pulse code for UNIVAC with odd checking pulse", 5/6/49  E A Bibliographical reference at the SI
  • Snyder, F E (1949) Snyder, F E "UNIVAC Instructions code C-10" 5/6/49  E A Bibliographical reference at the SI
  • Snyder, F E (1949) Snyder, F E "UNIVAC Instructions C-10", 6/10/49  E A Bibliographical reference at the SI
  • Snyder, F E (1950) Snyder, F E "UNIVAC Instructions Code C-10" 27 Jan 1950  E A Bibliographical reference at the SI
  • Holberton, F. E. (1954) Holberton, F. E. "Application of Automatic Coding to Logical Processes" pp. 34-39  E A Picture:
          in Symposium on Automatic Programming For Digital Com (1954) Symposium on Automatic Programming For Digital Computers, Office of Naval Research, Dept. of the Navy, Washington, D.C. PB 111 607 May 13-14 1954  E