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Language peer sets for Pascal/L: Sweden↑ Sweden/1982↑ Designed 1982 ↑ 1980s languages ↑ Fourth generation↑ Late Cold War↑ Genus Pascals ↑ Multi-purpose ↑ Pascals↑ Wirth Algols↑ Generation of Algol 60 ↑ Pascals/1982↑ Wirth Algols/1982↑ Generation of Algol 60/1982↑ Pascals/Sweden↑ Wirth Algols/Sweden↑ Generation of Algol 60/Sweden↑ Multi-purpose ↑ Multi-purpose/1982↑ Multi-purpose/se ↑ Pascal/L(ID:1005/pas016)alternate simple viewCountry: Sweden Designed 1982 Published: 1982 Genus: Pascals Sammet category: Multi-purpose A SIMD parallel extension of Pascal, part of the LUCAS Array Processing system at Lund Related languages
References: in (1982) Intl Conf Parallel Proc, IEEE, (1982) in (1982) Intl Conf Parallel Proc, IEEE, (1982) Search in: Google Google scholar World Cat Yahoo Overture DBLP Monash bib NZ IEEE  ACM portal CiteSeer CSB ncstrl jstor Bookfinder |