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Language peer sets for Concurrent Prolog: United States↑ United States/1983↑ Designed 1983 ↑ 1980s languages ↑ Fourth generation↑ Late Cold War↑ Genus Horn clause ↑ String and List Processing ↑ Horn clause↑ Context-based ↑ Data representation ↑ Horn clause/1983↑ Context-based /1983↑ Data representation/1983↑ Horn clause/United States↑ Context-based /United States↑ Data representation/United States↑ String and List Processing ↑ String and List Processing/1983↑ String and List Processing/us ↑ Concurrent Prolog(ID:1309/con015)alternate simple viewCountry: United States Designed 1983 Published: 1987 Genus: Horn clause Sammet category: String and List Processing Ehud "Udi" Shapiro, Yale Guarded clauses and committed-choice [= dont-care] nondeterminism. A subset has been implemented, but not the full language. (See Mandala). Places Related languages
References: in [SIGPLAN] (1990) [SIGPLAN] SIGPLAN Notices 25(01) January 1990 in (1993) Computer Languages 18(3) in [ACM] (1998) [ACM] ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 30(2) June 1998 Search in: Google Google scholar World Cat Yahoo Overture DBLP Monash bib NZ IEEE  ACM portal CiteSeer CSB ncstrl jstor Bookfinder |