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Language peer sets for ABCL/R: Japan↑ Japan/1988↑ Designed 1988 ↑ 1980s languages ↑ Fifth generation↑ Late Cold War↑ Genus Actor ↑ Experimental and other ↑ Actor↑ Autopoeitic↑ Object-oriented ↑ Actor/1988↑ Autopoeitic/1988↑ Object-oriented/1988↑ Actor/Japan↑ Autopoeitic/Japan↑ Object-oriented/Japan↑ Experimental and other ↑ Experimental and other/1988↑ Experimental and other/jp ↑ ABCL/R(ID:1379/abc012)Object-Based Concurrent Languagealternate simple viewCountry: Japan Designed 1988 Published: 1988 Genus: Actor Sammet category: Experimental and other Yonezawa, Tokyo Inst Tech 1988. A reflective subset of ABCL/1, written in ABCL/1. Related languages
References: in [OOPSLA 1988] (1988) SIGPLAN Notices 23(11) November 1988 (OOPSLA '88) in [OOPSLA 1988] (1988) SIGPLAN Notices 23(11) November 1988 (OOPSLA '88) in [ACM] (1998) [ACM] ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 30(2) June 1998 Resources Search in: Google Google scholar World Cat Yahoo Overture DBLP Monash bib NZ IEEE  ACM portal CiteSeer CSB ncstrl jstor Bookfinder |