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Language peer sets for MADCAP: United States↑ United States/1960↑ Designed 1960 ↑ 1960s languages ↑ Second generation↑ Early Cold War↑ Genus Multiline ↑ Numerical Scientific ↑ Multiline↑ Textually spatial↑ Spatially algorithmic ↑ Multiline/1960↑ Textually spatial/1960↑ Spatially algorithmic/1960↑ Multiline/United States↑ Textually spatial/United States↑ Spatially algorithmic/United States↑ Numerical Scientific ↑ Numerical Scientific/1960↑ Numerical Scientific/us ↑ MADCAP(ID:148/mad006)Two dimensional maths and set languagealternate simple viewCountry: United States Designed 1960 Published: 1961 Genus: Multiline Sammet category: Numerical Scientific Math and set problems, for the Maniac II and CDC 6600. Places
People: Structures: Related languages
References: in [ACM] (1961) [ACM] CACM 4(01) (Jan 1961) in [ACM] (1961) [ACM] CACM 4(01) (Jan 1961) in (1964) ACM Computing Reviews 5(03) May-June 1964 in (1964) ACM Computing Reviews 5(03) May-June 1964 in [ACM] (1966) [ACM] CACM 9(08) August 1966 in (1967) Computers & Automation 16(6) June 1967 in (1967) Computers & Automation 16(6) June 1967 in [TDMMC] (1972) Proceedings of the SIGPLAN symposium on Two-dimensional man-machine communication 1972 , Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States in [ACM] (1972) [ACM] CACM 15(06) (June 1972) in [TDMMC] (1972) Proceedings of the SIGPLAN symposium on Two-dimensional man-machine communication 1972 , Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States in [TDMMC] (1972) Proceedings of the SIGPLAN symposium on Two-dimensional man-machine communication 1972 , Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States in (1974) ACM Computing Reviews 15(04) April 1974 in [VHLL 1974] (1974) Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Very high level languages, March 28-29, 1974, Santa Monica, California, United States in [SIGPLAN] (1976) SIGPLAN Notices 11(09) September 1976 in (1987) Annals of the History of Computing, Spring 1987 Search in: Google Google scholar World Cat Yahoo Overture DBLP Monash bib NZ IEEE  ACM portal CiteSeer CSB ncstrl jstor Bookfinder |