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Language peer sets for Glisp: United States↑ United States/1990↑ Designed 1990 ↑ 1990s languages ↑ Fifth generation↑ Post-Cold War↑ Genus Lazy Evaluation LISPs ↑ String and List Processing ↑ Lazy Evaluation LISPs↑ LISPs↑ Lambda caculus ↑ Lazy Evaluation LISPs/1990↑ LISPs/1990↑ Lambda caculus/1990↑ Lazy Evaluation LISPs/United States↑ LISPs/United States↑ Lambda caculus/United States↑ String and List Processing ↑ String and List Processing/1990↑ String and List Processing/us ↑ Glisp(ID:1552/gli005)Alternate syntaxes for Common Lispalternate simple viewCountry: United States Designed 1990 Published: 1990 Genus: Lazy Evaluation LISPs Sammet category: String and List Processing Generalized LISP. David Canfield Smith, Apple, August 1990 GLISP: Alternate syntaxes for Common Lisp A coordinated set of high-level syntaxes for Common LISP. Contains Mlisp, Plisp and ordinary LISP, with an extensible framework for adding others. Written in Plisp. "Generalized Lisp (or Glisp for short) is a coordinated set of high level syntaxes for Common Lisp. It is generalized in the sense that the Lisp programmer has a variety of dialects available, not just Lisp notation. Initially Generalized Lisp consists of three dialects: Mlisp, Plisp and ordinary Lisp, together with an extensible framework for adding others. Mlisp (Meta-Lisp) is an Algol-like syntax for people who don't like writing parentheses. Plisp (Pattern Lisp) is a pattern matching rewrite-rule language. Plisp is a compiler-compiler; its rules are optimized for writing language translators. Mlisp and Plisp are documented in separate user manuals. It is expected that the set of dialects will increase over time as users add new ones. All dialects may be freely intermixed in a file. The translators for all dialects are written in Plisp, as is the Glisp translator framework itself. Support routines for the translators are written in Mlisp and/or Lisp. All dialects are translated to Common Lisp and execute in the standard Common Lisp environment." Related languages
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