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Language peer sets for PLisp: United States↑ United States/1990↑ Designed 1990 ↑ 1990s languages ↑ Fifth generation↑ Post-Cold War↑ Genus Lazy Evaluation LISPs ↑ String and List Processing ↑ Lazy Evaluation LISPs↑ LISPs↑ Lambda caculus ↑ Lazy Evaluation LISPs/1990↑ LISPs/1990↑ Lambda caculus/1990↑ Lazy Evaluation LISPs/United States↑ LISPs/United States↑ Lambda caculus/United States↑ String and List Processing ↑ String and List Processing/1990↑ String and List Processing/us ↑ PLisp(ID:1584/pli006)Pattern Lispalternate simple viewCountry: United States Designed 1990 Published: 1990 Genus: Lazy Evaluation LISPs Sammet category: String and List Processing Pattern LISP. 1990. Canfield Smith, Apple, 1990. A pattern-matching rewrite-rule language, optimized for describing syntax translation rules. "Plisp is a programming language for describing syntax translation rules. It is a general pattern-matching rewriting language tailored for writing translators from one language to another. It is written in Common Lisp; Plisp stands for Pattern Lisp. Its rules are all of the form pattern -> pattern where each pattern is made up of zero or more items (defined below). The pattern on the left side of the arrow is matched against the input. If the match is successful, the elements matched are removed from the input and replaced by new elements generated by the pattern on the right side of the arrow. For example, the rule a b c -> x y applied to the input a b c d e f g ... would result in the input being transformed to x y d e f g ..." "Historically, Plisp is a direct descendent of the Lisp 70 pattern matcher invented by Larry Tesler, Horace Enea, and the author at Stanford University in the early 1970s. This is described in the paper "The Lisp 70 Pattern Matcher" in the Proceedings of the Third IJCAI, 1973. The author resurrected Plisp in Macintosh Allegro Common Lisp when he came to Apple." Related languages
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