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Language peer sets for FORTRAN-FORTRAN: United States↑ United States/1963↑ Designed 1963 ↑ 1960s languages ↑ Third generation↑ Early Cold War↑ Genus Fortran I-III Variants ↑ Fortran I-III Variants↑ Generation of Fortran I-III↑ Fortran family ↑ Fortran I-III Variants/1963↑ Generation of Fortran I-III/1963↑ Fortran family/1963↑ Fortran I-III Variants/United States↑ Generation of Fortran I-III/United States↑ Fortran family/United States↑ FORTRAN-FORTRAN(ID:5450/for055)Livermore FORTRANalternate simple viewCountry: United States Designed 1963 Genus: Fortran I-III Variants Livermore FORTRAN written in FORTRAN. Compiled to Ultimate Assembler code, and then translated to four machine codes Places Related languages
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