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Language peer sets for SCL: United States↑ United States/1962↑ Designed 1962 ↑ 1960s languages ↑ Second generation↑ Early Cold War↑ Genus Markovs ↑ On-Line ↑ Markovs↑ File-reflexive↑ Content-reflexive ↑ Markovs/1962↑ File-reflexive/1962↑ Content-reflexive/1962↑ Markovs/United States↑ File-reflexive/United States↑ Content-reflexive/United States↑ On-Line ↑ On-Line/1962↑ On-Line/us ↑ SCL(ID:167/scl001)Symbolic Communication Languagealternate simple viewCountry: United States Designed 1962 Published: 1962 Genus: Markovs Sammet category: On-Line for Symbolic Communication Language. Chester Lee et al, Bell Telephone Labs, 1962 Designed primarily for the manipulation of symbolic formulas. Featured pattern matching (which was partly the inspiration for SNOBOL), string operations in buffers, and automatic storage management. SNOBOL was originally (unofficially) called SEXI and SCL7. "The Symbolic Communication Language (SCL) is a language designed primarily for the processing of symbolic expressions. The basic unit which SCL deals with most conveniently is a line. A line may be an equation, an algebraic expression, a sentence, a set of pairs, etc. In mathematics, one often begins with a line, say an equation, and derives from it many other lines. Some of these derived lines are more important than others and are usually assigned a number. The general format in SCL is very much the same. The commands in SCL permit one to modify a line; the resulting line then appears next to the original line. If the new line is one which should be marked, a name can be assigned to that line. In this way it becomes particularly conve- nient to deal with mathematical expressions in SCL." Places Related languages
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