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Language peer sets for APESE: Italy↑ Italy/1983↑ Designed 1983 ↑ 1980s languages ↑ Fourth generation↑ Late Cold War↑ Numerical Scientific ↑ Numerical Scientific/1983↑ Numerical Scientific/it ↑ APESE(ID:1827/ape001)Parallel dialect of FORTRANalternate simple viewCountry: Italy Designed 1983 Published: 1985 Sammet category: Numerical Scientific "APESE is a traditional programming language2,with a strong FORTRAN flavor and several extension for parallel processing." The language of the APE100 SIMD machine designed in Pisa. Related languages
References: in (1993) International Journal of Modern Physics, C4 (1993) in (1993) International Journal of Modern Physics, C4 (1993) in (1993) International Journal of Modern Physics, C4 (1993) in (1993) International Journal of Modern Physics, C4 (1993) Resources Search in: Google Google scholar World Cat Yahoo Overture DBLP Monash bib NZ IEEE  ACM portal CiteSeer CSB ncstrl jstor Bookfinder |